Three Reasons Children Should Journal

Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time.
— Mina Murray

  1. Journaling allows children a safe place to share all of their emotions.  In certain environments, specific emotions may not be safe to express.  Children learn from their surroundings what they are allowed to say or do without ridicule or judgement.  If a child does not feel safe expressing his or her emotions, journaling provides a safe outlet to share and process feelings.

  2. Journaling helps children communicate through drawing and creativity. Since children’s vocabulary and communication skills are not fully developed, drawing or coloring in a journal provides an outlet to express their feelings that they may not have words to express just yet.

  3. Journaling encourages children to slow down and reflect. One of the largest components to emotional growth is reflection. When children slow down and reflect upon their decisions and behaviors, they are able to learn, grow, and create greater meaning from their experiences.