When Friends Disappear

So many people love you. Don’t focus on the ones who don’t.

Friends come and go, and that’s okay.  This will happen for the rest of your life, and other’s choices and behaviors often have everything to do with what is going on in their life and little to do with you.  It can be really disappointing when friends shift their attention and time to someone or something else, especially when you really enjoy being around them.  However, if a person stops prioritizing you, you owe it to yourself to not waste any more time and energy on someone who doesn’t value you.

When friends become less present in your life, focus your energy and time on the people around you who appreciate you and continue to show kindness to you.  We can’t control other people’s choices and behaviors, but can control ourselves.  When we realize that the situation is out of our control, the most important thing you can do is focus on what is in your control.  You can control your thoughts, behaviors, and words.  So, think about things that make you happy, spend time doing things that you enjoy, and talk about things that make you feel good. 

Additionally, if you need to talk to someone about the situation or just vent, talk to your parents or a trusted adult, and remember that badmouthing your friend will do nothing to make them come back into your life.  If anything, it will cause more problems.

So, focus on doing what makes you happy, recognize that you don’t want friends who can’t show up for you, and spend time with the friends who bring joy into your life. If you do these things, I promise you that you will feel a lot happier in the long run!